Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


10/30/2022 11:40 AM


Dom Paulin

Heat Winner: RacerDom Paulin
Best Lap21.997 # of Laps1 Gap from Leader- Average Lap0
ProSkill SCORE4142 This Round +/- 18
2nd Place: RacerTyler Illidge
Best Lap22.357 # of Laps1 Gap from Leader0.360 Average Lap0
ProSkill SCORE5058 This Round +/- 12
3rd Place: RacerCody Bogden
Best Lap22.428 # of Laps1 Gap from Leader0.431 Average Lap0
ProSkill SCORE1226 This Round +/- 10
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 ***** 22.548 0.551 1 0 1440
5 Jenn Crawford 22.855 0.858 1 0 1514
6 Paul Mann 23.01 1.013 1 0 1234
7 Armin Mann 27.882 5.885 1 0 1348

Lap Times by Racer

Paul Mann
(Penalties: 0)
123.01 [6]
Armin Mann
(Penalties: 0)
127.882 [7]
Cody Bogden
(Penalties: 0)
122.428 [3]
(Penalties: 0)
122.548 [4]
Dom Paulin
(Penalties: 0)
121.997 [1]
Tyler Illidge
(Penalties: 0)
122.357 [2]
Jenn Crawford
(Penalties: 0)
122.855 [5]